Corresponding to the wide range of problems in the field of fluid dynamics DST uses different calculation and simulation tools. This includes commercial, open source and inhouse developed methods. To keep up with the rapid pace of development, the respective workflows and software portfolio are regularly put to the test and compared with alternative methods.

The ship design and assessment of external designs are usually iterative and with the aid of modern CFD field methods. The use of RANSE methods, like the commercial Ansys CFD package or open source environment OpenFOAM, is much more complicated compared to potential methods also available the DST. Experience shows, however, that optimization potentials are found predominantly in the complex interaction between hull and propeller especially when sailing in restricted waters.

The proprietary development BEShiWa is used to simulate the propagation of waves at large spatial extent on arbitrary bottom topography. BElock simulates efficiently lock manoeuvres, regarding all hydrodynamic effects during entering and exiting.