Danube Logistics Promotion Centre

The Danube Logistics Promotion Centre offers information about logistics on the Danube. Here you will find a link collection with current information on the topics

  • Information on the Danube fairway
  • Danube ports
  • Shipping and forwarding companies
  • Information on promising markets for Danube logistics
  • Promotion of Danube logistics

The role of the DLPC as a contact point is to provide easy to access and free of charge information to the stakeholders and to serve as a contact point in Germany.  It works in close cooperation with the other Danube Logistics Promotion Centers along the Danube river. Those can be found below.

General information on inland navigation on the Danube

If you would like general information about logistics on the Danube, the viadonau and the Manual on Danube Navigation are recommended sources.

The Federal Waterways and Shipping Administration has also compiled some information on inland navigation and the environment as well as to the development of the Danube.

There are many different types of inland waterway vessels on the Danube. An overview of size, performance, load capacity, etc. can be found here.

Current Information

Information on the Danube fairway:Current information about the Danube waterway can be obtained from the electronic waterway information service  ELWIS  of the Waterway and Shipping Administration (WSV). Besides the German Danube, information on all German waterways can be found here (only in German)
Further information can be found on the Danube Portal. This platform was developed in the course of the EU project NEWADA duo especially for inland navigation on the Danube.
Danube ports:The most important German Danube ports are Kelheim,  RegensburgStraubing-SandDeggendorf and Passau. Information about more than 60 ports on the Danube can be found on the Danube Ports page.
Shipping and forwarding companies:You can contact the following offices to obtain information about shipping companies and forwarding agents: 
The German Federal Association of German Inland Navigation e.V. (BDB e.V. ), the Federal Association of the Independent Department of Inland Navigation e.V. (BDS e.V.) and the Association for European Inland Navigation and Waterways e.V. (VBW e.V.). The Blue Pages on the Danube Logistics Portal provide information on shipping companies and freight forwarders from all Danube countries.
Information on national/international funding:German funding programmes for inland navigation can be found under ELWIS. Particular mention should be made here of the funding programme for the sustainable modernisation of inland waterway vessels including the use of fuel-water emulsion plants (only in German).
The European database EIBIP  contains all current public financing opportunities for projects relevant to inland navigation in the EU member states. It is a follow-up of the PLATINA II project.
Information on promising markets for Danube logistics:

Current market information on inland navigation is published by the Federal Statistical Office. The Central Commission for Navigation on the Rhine (CCNR) also publishes quarterly Market insights and annual reports on the topic.


Contact Point:

Contact: Cyril Alias M.Sc.
Phone: + 49 203 99369 52

 More Danube Logistics Promotion Centres along the Danube

MinDop – Ministry of Transport and Construction of Slovak republic
Web: www.danubelogistics.gov.sk
Contact: Juraj Staroň
Phone: +421 2 594 94 656
Email: juraj.staron@mindop.sk


RSOE – National Association of Radio Distress-Signalling and Infocommunications
Web: http://logisztika.rsoe.hu/ 
Contact: Gergely Mező 
Phone: +36 1 303 0168 
Email: gergely.mezo[at]rsoe.hu


CRUP – Inland Navigation Development Centre Ltd.
Web: www.crup.hr
Contact: Ivan Šuker
Phone: +385 91 4181 697
Email: suker[at]crup.hr


PGA – Port Governance Agency 
Web: www.aul.gov.rs 
Contact: Vladimir Pavlovic 
Phone: +381 11 6556 535 
Email: vladimir.pavlovic[at]aul.gov.rs


CERONAV – Romania Romanian Maritime Training Centre
Web: www.infodanube.ro
Contact: Alina Mantu
Phone: +40 747 011 060
Email: alinaoprea[at]ceronav.ro


UT – University of Transport Todor Kableshkov 
Web: http://infodanube.vtu.bg/en/ 
Contact: Petya Koralova – Nozharova 
Phone: +35 988 501 656 0 
Email: pkoralova[at]vtu.bg  or  infodanube[at]vtu.bg


viadonau – Austrian Waterway Company 
Web: www.viadonau.org/en/economy
Contact: Ulf Meinel
Phone: +43 50 4321 1625 
Email: ulf.meinel[at]viadonau.org


Interactive Maps
Information material as download

The Danube Logistics Promotion Centre was created within the EU- INTERREG project DanubeSKILLS.

Project co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA)