Transformative Learning in Inland Waterways Education with Simulators and Digital Innovations

On the 12 and 13 November 2024, the kick-off meeting of the ERASMUS+ joint project ARIELL took place at the DST. The aim of the project is to develop simulator-based digital learning modules and integrate them into the existing curricula for the vocational training of inland navigation operators.

The participants from the individual project partners Schiffer-Berufskolleg RHEIN (SBKR), Development Centre for Ship Technology and Transport Systems (DST), FH OO Studienbetrieb GmbH, Universitatea din Craiova and Navi Barging Management S.a.r.l. first presented their respective profiles and areas of responsibility in the future cooperation partnership

For the general coordination of the project the SBKR is responsible, while the DST bears responsibility for the development of virtual simulation environments. The DST is also responsible for creating individual exercise scenarios with different thematic focuses, which are determined in collaboration with the project partners and external experts.

To create the digital learning module, FH OO Studienbetrieb GmbH utilises its expertise in the field of digital knowledge transfer (e-learning) and integrates the exercise scenarios developed by DST into structured digital learning modules.


The concept for public relations and for the dissemination and utilisation of the project results is being developed by the Universitatea din Craiova.

Students and experienced SBKR trainers and skippers from different areas and with different experiences will come together in several workshops to test and try out the exercise scenarios and digital learning modules and give their feedback.

The kick-off meeting was rounded off with a tour of the SANDRA II shallow-water navigation simulator’s control stands and of the Test and Performance Centre for Autonomous Inland Vessels (VeLABi).